The Origins of Reiki

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The Origins of Reiki

The origins of REIKI have grown up on two Japanese expressions which, together, refer to “intuitively guided life force.”

Reiki was developed in the 1920s by Mikao Usui in Japan as a spiritual practice.

The origins of Reiki depend on “spiritual ki”

Reiki is peaceful and pure,


Can cause no harm.

Reiki is not a religion and there is no dogma in its practice.

There is an omnipresent energy that gives life to every living organism.

The Japanese call this life force “ki.

The origins of reiki have different names in various cultures;

However, all address the same meaning…

  • Chi by the Chinese
  • Prana in Hindu
  • Ruh in Arabic
  • Vital energy in Western philosophy

In the practice of Reiki, the energy itself is referred to as reiki.

This energy becomes a part of us at some time after conception.

Its existence has been established by science,


With the aid of Kirlian photography, we can see this all-encompassing energy.

The Origins of Reiki and Other Traditional Healing Practices

For thousands of years, various cultures have known of and have sought to harness its power to heal and influence.

Through traditional disciplines such as Reiki, Tai Chi, Feng Shui, meditation, yoga and acupuncture,

We have been able to connect with and greatly enhance our lives utilizing the flow of this pure and omniscient energy.

Knowingly or Unknowingly…

Unknowingly, you are already using this Divine life-giving gift.

When hurt, a child instinctively places his hand on the sore spot and the pain relieves as he unconsciously works with this energy to heal himself.

Likewise, a parent will kiss their child’s injured limb and places their hand on it.

Both parent and the child are working unconsciously with this healing energy.

The parent sends and channels the energy while the child receives and draws it.

This wonderful energy is free.

There are no patents or copyrights attached.

All you need is the desire and the discipline to attune yourself to the energy and its life changing properties.

Dr. Hayashi described Reiki to Madam Takata so beautifully when he said,

The universal life force is so big we cannot measure it, so deep we cannot fathom it; therefore, in Japanese we call it reiki.”
It is comparable to a radio station, broadcasting radio waves everywhere.
There are no wires connecting the radio station with your home, yet when you turn on the receiver and tune into the radio waves from the station, you receive what they are sending.
Likewise, the principles of reiki are the same.
The energy is everywhere; it travels through space without wires.
Once you have been connected to the energy it flows automatically, forever. I
t is a universal and immeasurable energy and its power is unlimited.

Dr. Hayashi

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