Criticizing the Elitist Idea of Genius

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Criticizing the Elitist Idea of Genius
Criticizing the Elitist Idea of Genius and Human Understanding

The Importance of Inclusion and Elitist Idea of Genius

I have recently encountered the echo of a familiar claim: a lament for the supposed decline of genius in our times.

But is this a true reflection of reality, or perhaps a mirage birthed from our focus on the already-crowned heads, neglecting the seeds of brilliance waiting to sprout in the shadows of the world?

The very concept of “genius” carries with it a sense of exclusivity, an aura that isolates individuals in a pantheon of the exceptional.

This framing, however, risks obscuring a fundamental truth: The potential for profound insight and transformative contributions resides within all of us, for our potential might exceed our own understanding.

Why should we elevate one voice above another, granting the label of “genius” its power to amplify one perspective while silencing others?

Should as many perspectives as possible be included?

The Symphony of Human Insight

To embrace the full tapestry of human potential, we must move beyond the limiting confines of labels and hierarchies.

A wise person recognizes the inherent value in every individual, and as such, he or she won’t be too quick to discard them, nor deem them irrelevant.

For they know the limitations of their own, current understanding, and as such are too open-minded to not doubt it.

Each encounter, regardless of title or background, holds the possibility of enriching our understanding of the world, of offering a new lens through which to view reality.

To close ourselves off to these diverse voices is to willingly handicap our own intellectual journey.

Think of it as a mosaic.

Each unique perspective, each lived experience, adds a vital piece to the larger picture.

The janitor with a keen eye for social dynamics, the senior lecturer with a thirst for existential questions – both offer invaluable insights, enriching the mosaic far beyond the confines of their respective labels.

Would you discard a homeless person’s insights just because they have no proper residence or formal education?

By that logic you would discard Diogenes.

This is not to say that every voice deserves uncritical unexamined acceptance.

Negaitve, it is imperative that we examine as much as possible, and attach ourselves to ideas, as little as possible, should we be wrong.

Judgement skills and critical thinking are essential companions on our path to understanding.

But true wisdom lies not in exclusion, but in the willingness to open our minds and hearts to the symphony of human voices, each with its own unique melody to contribute.

It is therefore the personal interest of each and every one of us to learn from the perspectives of any of those whom we meet and/or stand in our path.

From the wise we can learn how we should be.

From the dumb we can learn what not to be.

Gathering as many insights, from a diverse array of sources, is what can help us think like masterminds.

So let us cast aside the narrow definitions of genius and embrace the collective brilliance that shines within each of us as a whole.

Let our conversations be discussions, not arguements.

Let such exchanges be colleborations that complete one another, and not competitions over the another.

For in the tapestry of human understanding, every thread, no matter its source, holds the potential to generate finer and worthier viewpoints than otherwise.

The concept of “genius” should not limit our perception of human potential.

Every individual, regardless of background or title, holds valuable insights.

Embracing diverse perspectives enriches our understanding and leads to true wisdom.

Let us discard narrow definitions of genius and welcome the collective brilliance within each of us.

Judgement and critical thinking are crucial, but so is openness to the symphony of human voices…

Quoted from

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